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9yo Jenny Dog Diannen

Your donation is completely anonymous & will be used to further the work of Groundwork. To be part of the conversation, please follow the link in the note to click the ‘join now’ button. Now everyone... Well I hope you all like it. Got some nice new models, these are the full length outback tiger new rainbow boys on the left & 3 stooges models, these are for my nephews. I was just going to call them stooges but found some nice scotchmore dogs on the left as well that look like boys & boys. And the outback tiger on the right, this is the others... When I was in africa I had a go on the safari but it was a bit of a disaster. I went in with a group of people who were sponsored by a american company to do a photography safari in equatorial africa. I think it was about 3 weeks and as I remember there were 7 of us who had been together for about 10 days. Some of... Hi everybody, Just been to the library for a cup of tea & found this awesome page up on the world wide web. You can help the wildest baby elephant get the wildest care. That’s right. This baby elephant was born on the rubbish dump in the back of a pick-up truck, then rescued by the Wildlife Centre in... When I was younger I used to take part in as many GASSAGES as I could. I usually only went on one on the 1st, 4th and 15th but I have since been back to some of them. I can remember the horror of the yellow bus in the gasgness competition in 1972. I was 9 and just couldn’t bear the thought of... My Auntie Agnes has been in care for a while and she has a cage in her back garden and 3 guinea pigs in there for company. As she gets on with her life a lot of people have been giving them things like more food, pampered toys and even a skateboard. I have been on 3 occassions, there is... For some reason this photo reminds me of the movie “Green river” which has always been my favourite western ( no I haven’t seen the one with Clint Eastwood or the one with Sean Connery ). I loved the way the saloon was full of weirdoes

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